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Asian Public Health in Aotearoa Report 2021

Recently review of the health status of Asian New Zealanders and highlighted the areas of concern in the Asian Public Health Report. An overview of the Asian public health in Aotearoa and suggest recommendations to address Asian health needs at both strategic & operational levels! 

Report about the feedback of Asian communities on access to COVID-19 information

This survey report shares the the feedback of Asian communities on access to information and COVID-19 alert levels in 2021.

The timeliness of Asian communities in receiving information about COVID-19 and each alert level how far from various communication channels, and the extent of their understanding of the information. In other words, how far and broadly governmental messages are able to reach the grass root level of ethnic minority groups, especially those who have English as their second language or cannot speak English.

So, this report is the outcomes of the survey to record the views of Asian communities in Auckland regarding information access about the lockdown and COVID-19 and to identify the mass media that communities have accessed to obtain relevant information. Hope those who are working in the relevant sector could have insight and develop some ideas to support these vulnerable groups. 

The Health Needs Assessment of Asian people living in the Auckland Region 

The Report written by Dr Suneela Mehta, and commissioned by the Northern DHB Support Agency (NDSA). The work was carried out on behalf of the Auckland Regional Settlement Strategy Migrant Health Action Plan, which represents Waitemata, Auckland and Counties Manukau DHBs. It is the most comprehensive report to date examining the health status and health service use of Chinese, Indian and Other Asian communities in the Auckland region. The report includes analyses of health issues that have not previously been addressed in detail for Asian communities in Auckland, such as mental health, health of older people, family violence, patient safety and disability.

The report indicates that, for the first time, mortality rates from cardiovascular disease among Auckland Indians have risen above the rates noted among the majority of the Auckland population. Diabetes continues to be a common issue among Indians in Auckland, but is also increasing among Other Asian communities and older Chinese people in the Auckland region.

These analyses make a substantial contribution towards understanding the distinct health needs of Asian sub-groups and provide an invaluable resource for current and future planning of health services for Asian populations in Auckland. 

Health Needs Assessment for Asian People in Waitemata

The purpose of this report is to identify the health needs of Asian people living in Waitemata, including the differences and inequalities in health status and health services utilisation between Asian and European/Other ethnic groups and within the Asian ethnic group.

Asian Health in Aotearoa in 2006-2007: trends since 2002-2003

The results of this report provide an overview of the health status of Asian communities in 2006–07, in comparison with the rest of the New Zealand population; and at the same time provide information on trends in health status among the Asian communities since 2002–03. The large number of Asian participants has allowed analyses of the health status of the main Asian communities – Chinese, South Asian and Other Asian. The topics included in this report include: socio-demographic status; health risk and protective factors (lifestyle), chronic disease and utilisation of health services. It is the first report to describe national data on the health status of children from the main Asian communities in New Zealand.

Asian Health in Aoteaora 2005

This report, “Asian Health in Aotearoa”, aims to identify health issues experienced by Asian peoples in New Zealand by analysing data from the Ministry of Health’s 2002/3 National Health Survey. It attempts to provide a bird’s eye view of current health issues experienced by Asian people.

Asian Health Website

Asian Health Website was established by Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS’s) .The website provided a single pool of Health Resources in English and various Asian languages to enhance Asian people’s access to health services, and information and to assist health providers to enhance their outreach to Asian communities.

Asian Health Chartbook 2006

The first comprehensive review of Asian health, and the first to systematically examine inequalities between Asian ethnic groups and between migrant and established Asian communities.

The report adopts an indicator approach in order to focus attention on specific health issues of particular importance to Asian peoples. Information is presented on more than 80 indicators covering four domains: health status, health risk profile, social determinants of health, and patterns of health service utilisation.

Asian Health Services

Asian Health in NZ-Progress and Challenges

Quick stats – Asian Population

Various health surveys and health reports have highlighted the health concerns in Asian communities. A National Health Survey (2002/03) examined the health status within Asian communities, discovered that communication was key to Asians utilizing health services e.g. help line. The survey consisting of 1200 Asian participants concluded that there was a lack of information on the health status of Asian people living in New Zealand.  Similarly, the Auckland Regional Settlement Strategy: Asian, Migrant and Refugee Health Action Plan noted improvements in the uptakes of health services amongst Asian, migrant and refugee communities.  Language barriers and reduced information flow were factors in low uptake numbers. The plan also recommended better responsiveness of Waitemata, Auckland and Counties-Manukau District Health Boards of their primary and secondary health, and disability services to these populations.

Likewise, Asian Health Chartbook  published by Ministry of health in the year 2006, examined inequalities between Asian ethnic groups and between migrant and established Asian communities.

Please click on some of the important and relevant publications/websites related to Asian Health as mentioned below to find out a comprehensive analysis of various health concerns among diverse Asian populations.


Asian Public Health Project 2002/03

A collaborative Project Team undertaking an assessment of public health issues facing Asian communities in the Auckland region. The resulting report provides the first comprehensive local analysis of Asian health status and underlying issues. The research included analysis of hospitalisation and death data, a literature review, a health service and resource stock-take, key informant interviews, and four consultation meetings with Asian communities.

The project arose from increasing concern that the public health needs of Asian communities in the Auckland region are generally overlooked, despite growing numbers of Asian peoples. The project highlighted many gaps in our understanding as there has been little research in this area to date. The report provides a guide for future development of public health action to address Asian health issues, and identifies areas for advocacy.
To view the complete Asian Public Health project Report please click here !


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