• tascanz@muskaancaretrust.org.nz; office@muskaancaretrust.org.nz
  • +64 21231 8485

Directory of COVID-19 Support Information and Resources

The directory is about collective information about the services & support provided in Auckland and Hamilton in relation to COVID-19 to help for those who need support or those organizations supporting their clients or make a referral.

It includes food bank/ accommodation/ financial support/ mental health & wellbeing including family violence/ suicide/ support for seniors, people with disabilities, childcare, women, men, young people, LGBTQI.

As the migrants or new settlers, the issue of how to settle well and access to the social service providers is significant. Failure of this process often causes us experienced unnecessary or avoidable emotional/mental health suffering. The service providers listed below would help you to get some practical support for  your settlement.

 Citizen Advice Bureau (CAB): Provide general information and help people to know thier rights
 inforNow: A free service providing information to migrants settling in New Zealand, in their preferred language

Employment New Zealand has up to date information on these points and much more useful information. We will let you know when new pieces of information or changes related to employment are published.

 Language Line (Office of Ethnic Affairs, OEA)
 The office of Ethnic Communties: Provide information, advice and services to, and for, ethnic communities as a government's principal advisor on ethnic diversity

 English language partner NZ: Teach English for work and everyday life in New Zealand

Auckland Library: Great range of books, learning resources, events, Auckland's heritage and more

 Belong Aotearoa (former ARMRS)

 Asian Family Services: Provide counselling for Asian affected gambling harm and family support

 Chinese New Settlers Services Trust
 Migration Action Trust: : 22 Taumata Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025 New website: www.migrantactiontrust.org New email: info@migrantactiontrust.org New phone number: 022 027 3502
 Refugees as Survivors (RAS): Provide mental health and wellbeing support services for people from refugee backgrounds
 NZ Ethnic Social Service Trust
 Hearts & Minds (former Raeburn House): North Shore community health network

 Kainga Ora (former Housing NZ): Social house and housing development
 Inland Revenue Dept (IRD): Government agency for taxation and support
 Work and Income NZ (WINZ): Government agency to help financialy if you are on low income or not working 
 Immigration of New Zealand: Government agency to look after immigration rules and laws, including a range of visas

 Lifeline New Zealand
 Tourist & visitor driving theory quiz(Chinese Ver.)游客驾驶理论测试


Employment New Zealand has up to date information on these points and much more useful information. We will let you know when new pieces of information or changes related to employment are published.

For employment-related COVID-19 information, please refer to these web pages:

·         Employment guide for workers at different COVID-19 alert levels - Answers to frequently asked questions that workers may have at different alert levels including: Health and safety, Leave and pay, Workplace changes.

·         Early Resolution – This is a free phone-based service for employees and employers that helps resolve workplace issues early, quickly, and informally, before it becomes too serious or needs a more formal process.

·         COVID-19 financial support – Current financial support schemes for businesses, employers and employees including: Resurgence Support Payment, Wage Subsidy Scheme, Short-Term Absence Payment and the Leave Support Scheme.

·         Leave and pay entitlements during COVID-19  - Rights and responsibilities regarding pay and leave during COVID-19 response and recovery.

·         COVID-19: Guidance for payroll professionals - Key messages for payroll professionals around what employment law looks like in the COVID-19 environment to help answer any questions that are presenting.

·         Modifying employment agreements during COVID-19  - Options to deal with the impacts of COVID-19 in the workplace if an employer wants to make changes to existing work arrangements.

·         Terminating employment agreements during COVID-19  - Good faith processes to follow for workplace change, and redundancy should only be considered as the last resource, only if no suitable alternative arrangements have been found.

·         Vaccines and the workplace - General guidance to assist businesses and workers.

·         Temporary changes to parental leave law due to COVID-19 - These law changes allow some workers on parental leave to temporarily go back to work without losing their entitlements.

·         Addressing health and safety concerns- Guidance for workers and businesses operating during the different COVID-19 Alert Level restrictions.

·         Wage subsidy and Leave Support: Complaints about employers - If you believe your employer is acting unlawfully in regards to the wage subsidy schemes or Leave Support Scheme, here are the steps to resolve your concerns or make a complaint.

·         Rules around Essential Services:  Find out if your business can open during Alert 4 and other alert levels.

General employment rights and responsibilities information

Employment New Zealand has a large range of resources for employees and employers.

Minimum rights of employees - The minimum rights of an employee are the responsibility of the employer.

Minimum rights of employees language translations:

·         Employment learning modules (8 languages)

·         Quick guide: Know your employment rights (20 languages)

·         Minimum employment rights and responsibilities booklet (15 languages)

·         Family violence leave guide (10 languages)

·         Employment mediation quick guide (7 languages).

For all questions please in the first instance, visit www.employment.govt.nz for a wealth of information, tools and resources

To get in touch with Employment New Zealand, if you have a general query or would like more information, please visit Contact us.


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