• tascanz@muskaancaretrust.org.nz
  • +64 21231 8485

Welcome - Muskaan Care Trust - Auckland Welcome - Muskaan Care Trust - Auckland

Welcome - Muskaan Care Trust - Auckland


We have some special crieterias that will help you


Through lobbying and engaging healthcare providers, TASCA advocates on behalf of patients and their families for equitable access to best care and support as well as adequate funding for impactful research into the treatment of haemoglobin disorders.


TASCA works to raise public awareness and reduce the stigma of haemoglobin disorders through school visits, public events and media engagement. We believe in the importance of knowing your own genetic status through carrier testing.


TASCA believes that care should extend beyond the treatment centre. We support those affected by haemoglobin disorders through peer support and social events. We also empower patients and families through education and information.

Make an Impact

Interested in connecting with a larger community? We'd love to hear from you! Check out the number of ways to get involved.


Here at TASCA, we are driven by a single goal – to do our part in making the world a better place for those living with genetic blood disorders.

Protection through Prevention

Protection through Prevention

Connecting the DOTS...

Digital Literacy
Mental Health and addiction support

Community Wellness

Community Wellness




Mental and Spiritual Health


We are always here to connect, support and empower you with our purposeful services


TASCA works to raise public awareness and reduce the stigma of haemoglobin disorders through school visits, public events and media engagement. We believe in the importance of knowing your own genetic status through carrier testing.


Through lobbying and engaging healthcare providers, TASCA advocates on behalf of patients and their families for equitable access to best care and support as well as adequate funding for impactful research into the treatment of haemoglobin disorders.


TASCA believes that care should extend beyond the treatment centre. We support those affected by haemoglobin disorders through peer support and social events. We also empower patients and families through education and information.



The PAN Asian population was noted to be the second largest population group in the Auckland region in the 2006 Census. It is expected to increase in the coming years. The population is very diverse in terms of country of origin, language, length of stay, religious and cultural affiliation and socio-economic status.

Self Management Support 4 Aotearoa, NZ (SMS4ANZ)

Self Management Support (SMS Aotearoa NZ) is one of our alliance service provider imparting

Self - Care, Self - Awareness , Self- Compassion & Self - Management Support to our affected tanagta and their whanau/ families living with chronic health, mental health and blood disorders...




Flu Vaccinations


COVID Vaccination



What we do !

See what we do for our valuable clients

  • All
  • FACT sheets
  • Family Planning
  • Support for Thalassaemia


Treatment include: 

  • Regular life-long blood transfusions
  • Iron chelation (removing excess iron from blood transfusions)
  • Pain management
  • Bone marrow transplant

These are life-saving treatments, but can come with their own side-effects and serious complications.

haemoglobin disorders can still affect wellbeing, playing sport and
daily activities, but overall most people have a high quality of life.

is passed from parent to child in genes. Genes carry information about
human characteristics such as eye colour, hair colour and haemoglobin.
Thalassaemia is inherited. Thalassaemia is not contagious. Thalassaemia
is not transmitted by germs

Sometimes changes occur to genes,
resulting in medical conditions. Such changes occur to alpha globin
genes in alpha (a) thalassaemia: 

  • A person normally inherits four a globin genes for the production of the alpha globin protein in haemoglobin.
  • A
    person may have two or three of the normal four alpha globin genes for
    haemoglobin production. This person is called a carrier of a
    thalassaemia and is healthy. 
  • Carriers may be at risk of having a
    child affected with Haemoglobin H disease or Bart’s hydrops fetalis if
    their partner is also a carrier of certain types of a thalassaemia. 
  • When
    a person has only one alpha globin gene, they have Haemoglobin H
    disease and require regular medical care. Individuals with Haemoglobin H
    disease may experience lifelong anaemia of mild to moderate degree.
    Occasionally it may be severe. 
  • When a person has no alpha
    globin genes, they have a severe condition called Bart’s hydrops
    fetalis. Bart’s hydrops fetalis affects a foetus long before birth,
    resulting in death during pregnancy or shortly after birth. This is a
    fatal condition which is dangerous for both the mother and baby during

is passed from parent to child in genes. Genes carry information about
human characteristics such as eye colour, hair colour and haemoglobin.
Thalassaemia is inherited. Thalassaemia is not contagious. Thalassaemia
is not transmitted by germs.

Sometimes changes occur to genes,
resulting in medical conditions. Such changes occur to beta globin genes
in beta (b) thalassaemia:

  • A person normally inherits two b globin genes for the production of the beta globin protein in haemoglobin.
  • A
    person may have an alteration (mutation) in one of their two b globin
    genes. This person is called a carrier of b thalassaemia and is healthy.
    Doctors may use the term b thalassaemia minor instead, but it means the
    same thing.
  • Carriers may be at risk of having a child affected
    with beta thalassaemia major if their partner is also a carrier of b
  • When a person has alterations (mutations) in both
    of their b globin genes, they have a severe condition called b
    thalassaemia major. b thalassaemia major results in severe anaemia
    requiring lifelong treatment.

E (HbE) is an inherited condition caused by the production of an
abnormal haemoglobin protein. Haemoglobin is a protein in the blood that
carries oxygen around our bodies. HbE is passed from parent to child in
genes. Genes carry information about human characteristics such as eye
colour, hair colour and haemoglobin. HbE is inherited. HbE is not
contagious. HbE is not transmitted by germs. 

Sometimes changes occur to genes, resulting in medical conditions. Such changes occur to beta (b) globin genes: 

  • A person normally inherits two b globin genes for the production of the beta globin protein in haemoglobin. 
  • A
    person may have the HbE alteration (mutation) in one of their two b
    globin genes. This person is called a carrier of Haemoglobin E (HbE) and
    is healthy. Carriers may be at risk of having a child affected with a
    severe blood condition. 
  • A person may have the HbE alteration
    (mutation) in both copies of their b globin genes. This person is said
    to be homozygous for HbE and has no major health problems apart from
    being slightly anaemic. They may be at risk of having a child affected
    with a severe blood condition. 
  • When a person is a carrier of
    the HbE alteration (mutation) and another type of b globin gene
    alteration (mutation)they may be affected with a severe blood condition
    that requires treatment. For example: when a person has inherited one
    copy of the HbE alteration (mutation) from one parent and one copy of a b
    thalassaemia gene alteration (mutation) from the other parent this
    results in a severe condition called HbE/b thalassaemi


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