• tascanz@muskaancaretrust.org.nz
  • +64 21231 8485

Self Management Support 4 Aotearoa, NZ (SMS4ANZ)

SMS4Aotearoa is proud to support Diabetes NZ - Go over our page below to find out more. 



Through Diabetes NZ’s HOPE programme, our HOPE champions support and empower people with knowledge and motivation to prevent or manage the condition through healthy lifestyle choices.  

HOPE Programme to help prevent type 2 diabetes

The HOPE programme is a diabetes prevention programme delivered face-to-face in community settings, and also online! This  whānau centred programme has been running for 10 years, helping people who are or may have pre-diabetes, are affected by diabetes in their family history or want to have a healthier lifestyle.

Our aim of the HOPE programme is to foster healthier lifestyles amongst those most ‘at risk’, leading to a reduction in the incidence of diabetes and diabetes complications.

The HOPE Programme is broken down into easy to understand topics, and ultimately helps you create your own family action plan, so you can take control of your health and make long-lasting changes for you and your whānau.

What do you learn through HOPE?

The HOPE course has a lot of information and topics, but we break these down into four key areas:

  1. What is diabetes and who we are 

  2. Healthy food choices and cultural value of food 

  3. Practical fun activities for families 

  4. Family action plan (4-week challenge)

Each course is different and we adapt our content depending on the types of things participants want to know and find most useful.

Hope Programme delivered in the Community.

Our successful Hope Programme is an interactive programme in a safe learning environment where you can ask questions and receive support from others. This fun interactive programme is delivered by local Hope Champion over four sessions with a one-month and three-month check-in.

You can chart your progress based on the self-questionnaire and measurements taken at the first session and then at one-month and three-month follow-up sessions.

HOPE@Home is our online version of the HOPE Programme. 

This has become a great way to empower people about their health. HOPE@Home has the same content as a Hope Programme delivered in a community setting except its online via a closed Facebook group over a four week period.

We have HOPE champions who deliver the programme in their own communities and closed Facebook groups.

If you are interested in learning more about our HOPE programme, please email sms4aotearoa@gmail.com

Is HOPE or HOPE@Home right for you?

If you’ve been looking to learn more about diabetes, have a history of diabetes in your family, or are wondering about pre-diabetes, then the HOPE programme is for you. It’s fun and interactive with a mixture of easy to understand information about the causes and symptoms of type 2, our unique cultural values and practices, and staying active and the right kind of diet for diabetes. Putting it all together is what makes the HOPE programme so powerful.

When you join a group, you become part of an active community that supports, challenges and encourages you to make long-term lifestyle changes that lead to healthier lifestyles for the whole family/whānau. Ask any questions, share ideas, be inspired! We cover three main topics, and have shared resources, great video content and simple quizzes to keep you on your toes!

What you can get from HOPE

✓ Supportive and active community

✓ Expert teaching and advice

✓ Practical tools and resources you can use at home

✓ Simple to follow exercise plans

✓ HOPE that you can take control of your health!

✓ Ongoing support and community after the course is complete

✓ Better health and well being for you and your family

HOPE Champions are heroes!

 If you would like to make a difference in your community and wish to volunteer as SME leader, Hope facilitator etc.Contact - connect@muskaancareturst.org.nz

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